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voice and speaking training boston

Articulate: Pucker up

Your lips are great multitaskers. Showing expression, kissing, and helping make language sounds all day long. I want to dedicate today to those sounds that require both of the lips to press together in order to come into the world.…

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Articulate: Coffee Anyone?

Today I want to offer one of my favorite tongue twisters. Tongue twisters are a lovely way to exercise your articulators and get your tongue excited about speaking. Importantly, make sure you are intentional about breath and accuracy before you…

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Articulate: Say what?

Many Americans under-articulate speech and in many settings, it just doesn't matter. Well, maybe it annoys your mom but no big deal, right? Wrong. Sloppy articulation can really impact whether people think you are qualified in professional settings. Luckily, this…

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