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Articulate: Isolation

If you've ever done any form of dance you already understand isolation. That is exploring the movement and function of an area, a muscle or muscle groups, a joint. You can do this on a meta level such as articulating…

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Articulate: ARRRRR

I live and work in Boston. Which means I live and work with non-rhocity. That is fancy-speech for under-pronounced or completely absent /r/ sounds in speaking. I'm not talking about the typical Southie accent either, I mean people who are…

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Articulate: Mumble Wumble

Mumbling is defined as speaking in a quiet or indistinct way. In practice, it is a little more complex but the end result is the same. We cannot understand what is being said. Mumbling can be constant, or situational. For…

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Articulation: Let it Flow

Articulate: Let it Flow

I can sometimes be guilty of thinking of articulation only as it applies to individual sounds, and over conversational phrases. It is an effective method for making certain that clarity exists in diction. However, it ignores the very musical qualities…

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Articulate: Make Music

I talk about individual components of articulation a lot. Making sure the vowels are centered and the consonants present and complete. Addressing cadence, melody, and meaning in Voicing to make sure phrases have Purpose. Still, I haven't written enough about…

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Articulate: Sibilance

Sibilance is the hissing, sticky sound of fricative consonants such as /s/ /z/ /dʒ/ and /sh/. They can be problematic if they become too sticky and affect adjacent sounds, but I love them. They embrace the flow of air in…

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