Getting back up
I fell today. I tripped on an oddly designed sidewalk (a complete safety hazard, Boston!) and epicly sprained my ankle as I was thrown forward like a bird failing to attain flight. To say that it lacked grace is a…
I fell today. I tripped on an oddly designed sidewalk (a complete safety hazard, Boston!) and epicly sprained my ankle as I was thrown forward like a bird failing to attain flight. To say that it lacked grace is a…
I am an archer. A novice archer to be specific and I love this time in a courtship. Archery is curiosity, and experiment, trust, and failure. In short, my favorite things to explore. This past weekend, I shot (in…
a coming together of people or things; concourse In 2007, Tarana Burke launched the "Me, too." movement through her organization Just BE Inc. The organization and its movement were founded to support and uplift women (particularly in communities of color)…