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Observe: Right or Wrong

If social media is any indicator, we are becoming more entrenched in our opinions. Perhaps it has always been important to be right, to have the superior position. It now seems equally or more important to declare someone wrong and…

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Observe: Mind (Un) Set

There is a lot of talk about Mindset in business media. Using changes in Mindset to focus your energy in specific ways, to optimize your success/impact, etc. Here's the thing, I believe that intention becomes impulse, impulse becomes action. It…

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Observe: Transitions

Fall is here, at least on the calendar. The weather it seems is trying to cling to Summer but our energy, and workflow, move deliberately towards Fall. Transitions are always so interesting, and sometimes predictable. This time of year is…

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Observe: Did You Hear That?

There is a piece of music called 4'33" by John Cage. The pianist (or another musician -- it is unspecified) approaches their instrument and observes four minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence structured into three movements. 'That silent piece' elevates the…

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