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voice and speaking training boston

Articulate: Pucker up

Your lips are great multitaskers. Showing expression, kissing, and helping make language sounds all day long. I want to dedicate today to those sounds that require both of the lips to press together in order to come into the world.…

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Perform: Yes, and

In improvisation there is a tool called "yes, and..." The concept is easy enough to understand. When working with a partner or a group you accept the premise of whatever has just been said, or done, and expand the idea…

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Acquire: Resonance

Resonance: the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating. Resonance can seem like an abstraction. What does it mean that a voice is deep, full, and reverberating? And, how do you acquire these attributes? Resonance is about…

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Observe: Transitions

Moving from one place to another. From a one-on-one meeting, to a conference room or call, presenting to a client, or stepping onto a larger stage. All of these are speaking situations with their own requirements, their own techniques and…

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Perform: Repetition

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I exhibited at a convention this week. I did over 100 quick voice assessments and interacted with many more people. The beauty of that environment was the wonderful opportunity that giving hundreds of pitches…

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