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Flow: Sparkly

It is snowing in MA, and much of the Northeast, this morning. Snow is always some combination of annoyance and wonder for me. Today, working from home with no need to leave, it is pretty sparkly. We sometimes talk about…

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Flow: Contrast

For many of us, this is already a very different holiday season. We understand things better by contrast, so we can miss a particular holiday gathering or invitations from friends. This contrast can illuminate what is missing but it can…

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Sing: With Feeling

This week there was a good amount of over-singing in the studio -- Just a lot of "efforting." In all cases, we traced it back to listening for a particular sound. Also in all cases, the singer had stopped paying…

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Flow: Just Breathe

Take a breath. Without judgment or consideration for whether it is "good," take an0ther one. Breathe in as if you smell the most amazing thing and you want to take it all in. Better yet go find something amazing to…

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