Navigating Difficult Conversations
It is Friday, yes, 5 days past when I usually post the blog. And, I am far from the only person I know this week running hard, weaving through holiday cheer, and trying to reach those elusive end of year…
It is Friday, yes, 5 days past when I usually post the blog. And, I am far from the only person I know this week running hard, weaving through holiday cheer, and trying to reach those elusive end of year…
In the Buddhist teaching, Upajjhatthana Sutta, there are five remembrances for contemplation. The one I reflect on the most, by far, was best paraphrased by the late Thich Nhat Hanh: My Actions are my only true belongings. They are the…
My kid just started middle school. On their first day, they arrived with a backpack full of binders and required notebooks. They also carried a lunch bag and a water bottle. Then, they were handed a Chromebook. As I watched…
How often do you think about posture? Trying to make your posture better, complaining about it, and/or working on it? For many of us this is a common preoccupation. We know we look and feel better when we are in…
How much of your work day takes place in front of a computer? Over that time, how active is your posture? Yeah, me too. Even those with disciplined seated posture get into trouble either by creating too rigid a system,…
We are here to talk musculature, not legal instruments but, in a way, the concept is the the same. One process binds and the other holds free. Neither is inherently good or bad. For the most part, the muscles in…
It seems that many people believe that their arms begin at the shoulder socket. They use their arms in this way and in doing so put a lot of stress on the shoulder. The arm is actually like a wing…
Most of us were trained to sit still, stand still, and generally be still. These bodies, however, were not built for it. Bodies need to move. Your challenge today is to take the stairs, stand more, and/or have a 3-minute…