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Observe: Sounds Complicated

Some days it seems as though the act of being busy has become an art form. People pack their schedules, often with things they dread doing, They procrastinate on essential tasks and then finally (sometimes) complete them with effort. Life for many is a daily slough, sadly, of their own design.

When we live like this, our words tend to get more convoluted as well. Asked a question, we take a journey through difficulty in order to get the point. Our verbal descriptions develop a tone of unease. We tire of connecting with other people, of having to explain “it” again. We worry that we don’t sound like “enough.” Smart enough, thorough enough, effective enough, successful enough — Enough!

Today, I’d like you to look for this in your own speech and/or actions. Where are you adding complication and why? Life isn’t simple. And certainly we all have stuff to do. But maybe, it doesn’t have to be quite so complicated.

GROW Voice has new fortnightly newsletter. The Voice Lab has tips and tidbits about voicing and I think it is going to be great. Check out the latest edition here and subscribe here.

Gina Razón is the Founder and CEO at GROW Voice LLC, a full-service verbal communication studio in Boston’s Back Bay.  She has over two decades of experience as a teacher of voice and speech, is a communication and change facilitator, and is a voraciously curious voice user.  Gina has worked professionally as a classical singer for over a decade and more recently as a professional public speaker.  For more information on the studio or to book Gina visit

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