What does the sound of your voice say about you? Does it sound like a…

Acquire: I See Living People
I am often surprised by how uncomfortable we are really looking at people
By that, I don’t mean looking people in the eye, that is a bit more complicated. I mean looking around the room and seeing the people. Every person in your spaces has a story, priorities, goals, and wants. You can’t know everything about them but you can focus some energy on them which in turn changes the energy in the room.
Today, practice noticing and acknowledging the little things about the people around you. Say Good Morning! or How are you? and really look at the people you are speaking with. Wait for the response to your greeting and be with them at that moment. If that makes your skin crawl, start smaller, look around and try to see who is wearing a particular color, or article of clothing. Notice them, and if they notice you, don’t bolt. Acknowledge them instead.
It may seem counterintuitive, but
GROW Voice, is a Boston-based business. Founder and CEO, Gina Razón has taught voice and speech for over sixteen years to individuals, organizations and in academic settings. She is sought after as a teacher of voice and speech, singing, and public presentation. Gina has a BM and MM in Voice Performance, she is a practitioner of Fitzmaurice Voicework and a certified teacher of Somatic Voicework. She has served as the voice coach for TEDxCambridge and speaks at National and local events on all things voice and speech. Gina is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, The Voice Foundation, the Voice and Speech Trainers Association and the National Speakers Association. More information at www.growvoice.com.
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